The Neural Cloud

Crisp ECG insights with MaxYield™

From lengthy, noisy recordings to smooth, steady ECG signals

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Consistently Clear ECG Signals

Clean. Clear. Crisp.

Streamline long-form electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis with MaxYield™ - automated, distinct, and scalable analysis at a fraction of the time and cost.


MaxYield™ is device-agnostic, capturing ECG recordings from any 1-lead or 3-lead device with ease. Effortless integration & compatibility enables seamless data capture from:

Wearable Devices
Patch Monitors
Holter Monitors


MaxYield™ maps ECG signals through noise, isolating and labeling key features in every heartbeat. Transform noisy recordings into detailed insights.

MaxYield™ delivers beat-by-beat analysis, outputting an analysis of 200,000 heartbeats in less than 5 minutes.


MaxYield™ delivers P-wave, QRS complex, & T-wave onsets, offsets, & time-series intervals for each heartbeat.

MaxYield™ helps the reader identify cardiac events, displays smooth waveforms, and supports confident clinical decisions.

Integrate MaxYield™ into your platform to rapidly highlight potentially meaningful ECG data. Scale clean signals & clear data across your entire workflow.

Expert Testimonials

"The Neural Cloud and their AI technology are revolutionizing the way Holter Monitor data is recorded and processed. The signal isolation capabilities are greatly beneficial across all workflows, from technicians to patients."
Dr. Alan Rabinowitz
Cardiologist at St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver
"Neural Cloud's groundbreaking algorithm in ECG monitoring analysis delivers a level of precision that rivals human expert interpretation and signifies a new era in cardiac diagnostics."
Marc W. Deyell, MD MSc FHRS FCCS
Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology, St. Paul’s Hospital
"Neural Cloud Solution's superior artifact filtering drastically reduces noise, producing clinically acceptable tracings that enhance the speed and accuracy of Holter analysis."
Dr. Brett Heilbron
Cardiologist at Cardio Technology Network

What Sets Us Apart

Gold Standard Methodologies

Our Patent-Pending MaxYield™ Neural Network uses Gold Standard Methodologies in ECG signal processing. Automated labeling of P-Waves and QRS-onsets provide clear inputs to help provide users with actionable insights.

Workflow Efficiency

Our noise filtering paired with P, QRS, and T Wave highlighting help streamline your workflow. Automate repetitive tasks with our data wall, processing more data in less time.

Steady Cardiac Analysis

MaxYield™ returns a clean, "neuralized" signal and clear, beat-by-beat data wall. Consolidate your current workflow by including consistently smooth & distinct ECG waves.

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How We’re Different

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Noise Filtering & Distinct Wave Recognition

MaxYield™ identifies and labels critical data, even in recordings with high levels of noise & artifact. Rapidly isolate ECG waves from recordings with baseline wander, movement & muscle artifact, and low amplitude. Salvage previously obscured sections of lengthy Holter, 1-Lead, and patch monitor recordings.

Continuous Learning Model

Traditional ECG interpretation technology relies on preset algorithms and pattern recognition that can struggle with large amounts of noise. Our algorithm evolves with each use in pursuit of the maximum diagnostic yield. Its accuracy and efficiency will continuously improve over time.

Join us in reshaping long-form ECG analysis.

Leverage cutting-edge AI technology for clarity and speed in ambulatory ECG waveform analysis. Our solutions help automate manual tasks and reduce workload, offering crisp, filtered ECG signals to identify and interpret.

Our Offerings

Device-Agnostic ECG Signal Processing
MaxYield™ accurately maps PQRST waveforms through signal noise. We provide a table of the onsets and offsets of the P, QRS, and T waves. Our platform returns this within minutes, regardless of recording duration, physiological variability, and signal artifacts.
Advanced AI models
The design of MaxYield™'s neural network model is for complex signal processing. This model extracts key features from signals across various industries and helps professionals make informed decisions. Our algorithms work across industries to process signal inputs, not solely ECG wave interpretations.

Use Cases

MaxYield™ Neural Network Technology for Cardiac Research

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Pairing Wearable Technology with MaxYield™

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Why Choose Us

Cost Efficiencies

Streamlining processes to reduce operational costs is crucial for any business. Our automated ECG labeling and data extraction saves time and resources, cutting down on operational expenses. Reduce costs by automating labor-intensive tasks like tabulating data.


With automated annotations, technicians can process cases faster without compromising quality. Allocate time and energy towards tasks that require human expertise and decision-making. The consistently clean signal not only boosts productivity but also helps with accuracy and reliability.

Revenue Optimization

Maximizing the return on your investments is crucial. The design of MaxYield helps analyze and interpret long form Holter, Patch, and 1-Lead ECG Monitor recordings. Significantly boost throughput by reducing the time spent on noise filtering and annotating. Get the most out of your existing team & resources

Advanced Technology

MaxYield™ leads the way in beat-to-beat ECG interval assessment. Our AI-powered algorithms ensure smooth signals when analyzing and annotating abnormal electrocardiograms. We support you in providing cutting-edge technological advancements to your users.

Start using our REST API.

Step 1
Sign In to the Console.
Step 2
Setup billing information.
Step 3
Create an API key.
Step 4
Use the API key in your application to analyze ECGs using our cloud services.

Our X-Factor

MaxYield™  harnesses cutting-edge AI and advanced signal processing technology. Our flagship innovation - our “X-Factor” - is a patent-pending Signal Mapping Algorithm that isolates and cleans ECG recordings. It delivers a beat-by-beat PQRST labeling and a clear, "neuralized" ECG signal.

This versatile algorithm is both device and application agnostic, capable of tackling complex signal processing challenges. While ECG labeling is at the core of MaxYield™, our technology extends to uncovering trends in digital biomarkers & supporting breakthroughs in cardiovascular diagnostics.

By seamlessly adapting to your unique needs, MaxYield™ empowers healthcare professionals to pursue the maximum diagnostic yield, streamline workflows, and quickly make informed decisions. With crisp signal clarity, MaxYield™ uses Gold Standard methodologies from across the cardiovascular  industry.

Contact us for a free trial

Current challenges in analyzing ECG.

Semi-automated processes

Current long-form and ambulatory ECG monitoring analysis methods often rely heavily on semi-manual input. Technicians and healthcare professionals spend considerable time labeling ECG waveforms. This process is resource-intensive. The manual approach is a bottleneck in the analysis process, increasing operational costs and limiting overall efficiency.

Physiological variability

ECG waveform shapes can vary significantly due to individual physiological differences. Factors such as age, sex, health conditions, and even lifestyle choices can alter ECG patterns. These variations complicate the analysis process, making it difficult to apply a one-size-fits-all solution. Traditional methods struggle to adapt to this variability, leading to less accurate interpretations.

Signal artifacts

ECG recordings often have noise and other signal artifacts, such as muscle contractions, movement, and external electrical interference. These artifacts can obscure the true ECG signals, making it challenging to identify and analyze the relevant features accurately. Traditional methods may fail to filter out these artifacts effectively, resulting in erroneous data interpretation and compromised singal integrity.

Our innovative solution

Neural Cloud Solutions Inc. addresses these challenges with advanced AI technology that clarifies the ECG analyzing process. Our solution provides automated labeling and crisp signals, aiming to support workflow efficiency and accuracy in ECG interpretation.

Clear Wave Definition

Our cutting-edge algorithm automates the labeling of ECG signals. It accurately maps the PQRST waveforms, determining the start and end points of the P wave, QRS complex, and T wave. From this, we also provide wave durations and intervals.  This automation alleviates the need for manual input, saving time and resources.

Handling physiological variability

We designed our AI models to adapt to the physiological variability present in ECG waveforms. By leveraging advanced neural networks, our technology can analyze diverse ECG patterns, ensuring clear interpretation regardless of individual differences. Our filtered, steady signals help specialists identify actionable insights even through varying recordings.

Noise reduction and artifact handling

Our algorithms use sophisticated noise reduction techniques to filter for noise and signal artifacts. This ensures that the ECG data remains clear and isolated. Even in the presence of significant noise and interference, feature extraction and reliable waveform analysis is still possible.

Take the next step

Leverage AI in ECG signal analysis with Neural Cloud Solutions' MaxYield™ platform. Apply our advanced Neural Networks within your ECG data processing. Be part of our mission to apply Gold Standard Methodologies through advanced technology across the healthcare and biomedical research fields.